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Contact and Information options:
E-Mail is our preferred option.
Please Note, if you have stored email addresses for Sea Gypsy Online.
Due to the extreme amount of useless Spam email coming through (1,000s per day) It has been decided to change our email accounts slightly.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, but please lay it at the Spammers feet.
We have a constant battle to find your legitimate mails among all the rubbish.
Please also note that there are no longer direct links to email, this is the only sure way we have found of defeating the Spammers Automated programs that find email addresses.
Once again sorry for any inconvenience caused.
 General information or  In relation to your Order
Positive or Negative Feedback - we welcome both.

 orders1 @ seagypsyonline dot com dot au

Mailing Address: If you require our mailing address, please contact us.
We are sorry we have to do it ths way, but we also receive so much spam in snail mail (at times it will not all fit into out PO Box there is that much!!) we have had to change how we give out our postal address
Sea Gypsy Online
Please contact if mailing address is required

South Australia

Money Orders/checks made payable to:
J. Quinn



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